Chief and Council

The Council of the Musqueam Indian Band are the elected officials of the Band, under Section 74(1), (2), (3) (a) (i) and (3) (b) (i) of the Indian Act. Apart from the regulations to the Indian Act, the role of Council is to manage the affairs of the Musqueam Indian Band as delegated under the Indian Act by the Minister of Indian Affairs, and in accordance with the objectives of the Musqueam community. Section 81 of the Indian Act grants Council the powers to make by-laws over reserve lands. The Band Council is entrusted by the General Band Membership to represent the Band’s political views and aspirations at the Reserve, District, Provincial and National levels. The Band Membership holds Council accountable for the actions of the Band Administration. Ultimately, Council is answerable to the General Band Membership and the Minister of Indian Affairs. At the beginning of each term, the Musqueam Band Council is therefore required to swear to an oath of service to the Musqueam Band for the Band’s welfare and advancement. In order that the task of Council is made relatively easy and endurable policies are adopted by the Musqueam Indian Band. 

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